I've started with aikido in January 2023. Before starting to take the notes I've trained around 150h total, maybe a bit more. These notes would be an exercise in mindfulness and a way to remember stuff when I'm old(er)
4.9.2023, 2h
That day I also took first joga classes. Very slow excercises, but it still hurts
For many attacks we need to let the partner go where he went, but also to add new dimensions to his movement
5.9.2023, 2h
Found a new cool move with the edge of the palm, which clearly hurts
6.9.2023, 1h
If the technique looks weird, check if the attack was done correctly. Cut when you need to cut (CUUUUUUUUUUUUUT)
7.9.2023 2h
Observed several techniques starting from a light push to the shoulder, the lighter the more interesting
11.9.2023 1,5h
New tatami (a bit slippery): memories of playing football in new places, which I really liked, but some people lost all skills due to that. Playing on the snow was my favourite one (Russians!) because I finally could run as fast as others.
12.9.2023 1h
Mind the distance of the first step behind the partner, small step may be not enough. Aikido is probably good for the knees?
13.9.2023 2h
My first techniques in suwari waza: easier than looks in reality
Finishing nikyo should be pleasant for the partner, doesn't work in my hands until I hold the upper part of partner's hand well
14.9.2023 2h
I don’t like touching people’s chins with a palm. Shoulders are stiff due to that.
Need to stretch my hands more forward when attacked by shomen to redirect, not to catch
19.9.2023 1.5h
Incorrect palm orientation in the start breaks the technique
20.9.2023 2h
We tried palm "girls" fighting, I didn't like the constant need to raise the tempo. I liked the tempo of practicing ikkyo and going towards the partner
23-24.9.2023 16h

- Sleeping for 6 hours (2 in the evening, 4 at night) was a great idea
- Don't forget to eat more next time
- Had fun with "hands holding a ball" exercise from Iveta (I think)
- Forgetting to take a girl's number is a good idea, as it motivates to visit next seminars
- Finally not getting lost during most of the techniques on a seminar is a good feeling. Remembering my first seminars, that was hard on my ego
- If your friend says she's unbeatable and doesn't need any sleep for the whole 24 hours, not agreeing to the gangsta and standing your ground is the right way
- It's cool to have a second brain and a pair of eyes you trust handy to check on my bullshit
- Feet massage when people are standing on you is out of this world (probably can save marriages and stuff)
- Aikido seminars bring so many emotions up, that it's hard to handle even during the whole next week. It's a meditation at its best
25.9.2023 1.5h
Interesting to do mae ukemi and control its compactness (crocodiles around the tatami)
27.9.2023 2h
Using weight to go towards the partner during ikkyo
28.9.2023 1.5h
It's too hot in the end of September
38 hours of training in September, 188 hours total. The most interesting findings were from Sep-24